how to take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?

how to take your diy newborn photos at home-2024? brothers, boys, affection

Tips to take your DIY newborn photos for beginners

Every parent wants to capture all the beautiful moments of their little ones.

A simple step is, you hire a professional photographer, after doing your due diligence in selecting the best (I chose this for my first child, but I missed the magic of DIY).

Secondly, if you are passionate about photography and are confident that you can bring the best, I must say, you will be fortunate to capture all those memorable moments with your own hands.

I am passionate about photography but need to improve my skillset to DIY photography sessions for my second child.

Points to take care for the DIY Photography session

how do you take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?baby, hands, fingers.

With my experience, I have gathered the below points that we need to take care of while DIY photography for our newborns and creating cherished memories that will last forever.

1. Planning:

First things first, Planning is important as you want to start capturing all the moments from day 1.

Give a thought and make a checklist of all essential things like location, props, lighting, and poses you want to capture.

It will help you to gather all the equipment and information in time for the shoot.

2. Safety:

Safety is always a top priority, No matter what the situation or occasion.

Do not attempt any poses you or your newborn baby is not comfortable with.

Always consider safe props and always ask for help in case of any concern.

Prioritize the well-being of your little one throughout the photoshoot.

3. Right Time:

You can plan your photography session in chronological order to capture the child’s growth.

This is the best benefit of DIY. Try to capture all those early days moments.

The first two weeks are the cutest.

Newborns will sleep around 15-18 hours, and you can utilize this sleeping pattern to capture those beautiful sleepy poses and adorable newborn features.

4. Home Studio

how do you take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?photo studio, home studio, photography

It will be a good idea to have some space in your home only for DIY newborn photography sessions.

If budget and space allow, then setting up a home studio will be efficient.

Set up your camera, background, props, and other necessary equipment like a tripod in the designated area and it will help to simplify the whole process.

5. Soothing Environment:

Newborn babies like it warm and cozy.

To have the best shots, ensure the surroundings are soothing.

You can use the newborn favorite blanket and posing pillows to add to that warmness.

Always choose the time when baby is calm and not tired as hungry and tired baby will be fussy and you will not get the perfect photos.

6. Lighting:

Natural light helps you capture beautiful photos.

Consider a location where you can have a lot of natural light or good lighting.

Take some photos near to windows too.

Turn off your camera flash and overhead lights and you will have the most impactful picture ever.

Try to place your baby’s head in the direction of light at a 45-degree angle to get the natural brightness.

Try different angles to get the perfect position.

7. Learn Posing

how do you take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?baby, portrait, newborn

It is important to learn, how to pose newborns safely.

You are inclined to different poses to capture all those lovely images, however, learn to do it first before directly trying on your baby.

Keep poses simple and always support your baby’s head and neck.

Keep an eye on your baby and if they are not comfortable, please do not try that pose.

I was always nervous with my firstborn during her photoshoot.

Do not be afraid about poses, just be careful and learn all the information beforehand.

Womb poses are much simpler and safer. Frog and Tushy pose needs expertise.

You can use props from your house like baskets, stuffed toys, blankets, and some furniture but always make sure that whatever prop you are using must be clean without any sharp edges or harmful chemicals.

8. How Long Will It Take for a Newborn Shoot?

I believe it depends on how comfortable you are with all the equipment and process.

Try to spend between 1hr-2hr for beautiful shots if you are still learning.

A helping hand can make a photoshoot session much easier and quicker for you.

Try to secure some assistance (Husband/Parent/Friend).

9. What is needed for the DIY Photography Shoot Session?

how do you take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?baby in basket for photoshoot.

Collect all essential items required for your DIY photography session for your newborn.

You can buy wraps, a onesie, swaddle blankets, a camera, Pacifiers, soft music or white noise, and Props.

Props will act as enhancers.

There are different kinds of props, and each one will give you a different dimension.

Consider good quality, simple props with safety measures in place to avoid unwanted injuries to your newborn.

You can buy props, and a onesie from any online marketplace-Amazon, Etsy, Carters.

10. Editing Skills:

how do you take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?Photo Editing

Here you can make or break whatever you have captured so far.

I have learned it through YouTube videos.

Proper editing is very important to get the desired results.

You can check some editing software to refine and enhance the quality to get a professional look.

Adjust color, and contrast to enhance the beauty and keep them natural.

You can use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom or Canva for editing. It is free with limited features.

You can buy premium if needed around $30 per month from the Adobe website.

11. Practice and Learning:

Photography is a skilled profession.

For DIY newborn photography, you need to learn the tricks daily with a lot of practice.

It will take time to get the perfect results so do not get disheartened in the first few attempts.

Keep practicing, and learning, and you will be able to capture beautiful photos of your newborn.

12. Diaper On

Naked baby photos are adorable, however, to avoid any unwanted rainfall, keep the diaper on.

Once you are set and ready to take that particular photo pose then you can remove it.

13. Include yourself

how do you take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?mother, baby, newborn

Bonding photos between parents and newborns are one of the best and most favorite.

Utilize that tripod and capture those cuddling portraits with your newborn.

14. Assistance

Never hesitate to ask for assistance during the photo session.

Always discuss with your family your plan for DIY newborn photography and seek their time as it will be very helpful if you have a helping hand.

15. Take Break

Always plan your photoshoot in stages so that you and your baby both look refreshed.

Keep your baby comfortable and happy with cuddling and feeding if required.

16. Millions of Photos

how do you take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?photographer, taking lot of photos.

Be ready to take millions of photos to ensure you get the best poses.

Do not worry about the space as you can delete the unwanted one with a click of the button.

17. Capturing Imperfection

It is not about perfection.

If you think that you are still not perfect, it is fine as babies are unique and those imperfect shots will add to their innocence, and you will get cherished memories.

18. DIY Limitation.

DIY newborn photography will give you a sense of achievement and you will get the desired results; however, it is important to recognize its limitations respectfully.

If you are naive with photography, then it will take a lot of hard work and persistence to reach the skill level of a professional photographer.

Believe me, It is not that easy as being a new mom, you will be overwhelmed with a lot of other activities and it will be very hard for you to find time.

 Professional photographers will bring experience, expertise, and high-quality equipment to the table, resulting in very high-quality images.

19. Newborn Photography Equipment

how do you take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?cameras,to select for your DIY newborn photoshoot.

Invest in quality equipment to get high-quality sessions. Believe me, this is worth every penny.

1. Mobile Camera Vs DSLR Camera

Nowadays, the iPhone 15 Plus or Google Pixel 8 pro mobile camera’s quality has improved so much that you can start with these cameras too.

However, I still believe that a DSLR camera with a variety of lenses will give you greater control over your images.

Keep the camera clean to ensure spotless, beautiful photos.

Buy a tripod too to maintain camera stability.


Everybody heard about DSLR or Digital single-lens reflex, cameras.

There is a new type of camera known as a mirrorless camera which everyone is moving towards.

It is more professional and expensive.

It’s up to you if your pocket allows then you can go with a mirrorless camera.

I have my old Nikon D7500 which is great for anyone who wants to learn photography.

Always choose a Camera with high resolution and good low-light performance.

You can explore Canon too. It is also a good brand.

Excellent entry-level camera from Nikon and Canon:

1.Nikon D3500 , D5600 , D7500.

how do you take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?Nikon_D7500 Camera
Nikon D7500

2.Canon EOS Rebel T7, EOS Rebel SL3.

how do you take your diy newborn photos at home-2024?Canon_RebelT7 Camera

3. Lenses for newborn photography

DIY indoor photo sessions need a wide-angle lens so that you remain close to the baby.

Consider the 50mm 1.8, 50mm 1.4, or 85mm 1.8 for high-quality portrait photography.

Tips to get the maximum out of your Diy Photo Session

1. Always use the manual mode of DSLR.
2. Invest in yourself. Attend live workshops, check YouTube videos, and take online courses if required.
3. Your photography kit should have at least two quality lenses.
4. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance during the shoot.
5. Take full-body and close-up shots with different angles. You will be surprised to see the results.
6. Eyes are one of the most beautiful features of a newborn baby. Keep your focus on them and also, consider small feet, ears, and toes.
7. Analyze all poses you want to take photos of, for your baby.
8. Gather all the essential equipment and things in advance.

FAQs About “DIY Newborn Photography Session

1. What are the DIY newborn photography props?

There are many props you can use for DIY newborn photography.   Teddy bears, headbands, beanbags, baskets, and soft blankets are some of the examples.  

2. What are the Do’s and Don’ts of DIY Newborn Photography sessions?

Safety is a priority in all situations.   Do not place your baby on a chair or bench with sharp edges.   Do not compromise the safety of your baby for a photograph.  

3. What is the safest and hardest pose for DIY newborn photography?

Womb poses are much simpler and safer.   Frog and Tushy pose need expertise.   Always consult a professional photographer for his expertise on those poses.   If you are not comfortable then do not try these poses.  

4. What is the perfect position for DIY newborn photography in natural lights?

Natural light is perfect for bright and beautiful newborn photos.   Place your baby at a 45-degree angle toward the window so that sunlight is not direct and it will avoid shadows and darkness in photos.  

5. What is the most popular newborn photography pose?

The Frog pose is the most popular newborn photography pose.
As this is a complex pose, always consult your photographer if they are comfortable with this pose.   Try to avoid this pose if you are not comfortable.  

6. How do you set up a DIY Newborn photography setup on a budget?

For a beginner, you don’t need to spend much. You can have a cheap DIY newborn photography setup.   You can utilize many props at home to avoid any unnecessary expenses.   You don’t need to buy expensive beanbags, or expensive high specification cameras with big lenses.   Instead, you can use home furniture with a blanket and wrap for a smoother surface.   You can start with a beginner-level camera(Nikon 3500, Canon Rebel T7) which is quite affordable than high-end ones.   The image quality is very good for the beginner level too and you will not feel any difference.  

7. How to take DIY newborn photos with an iPhone?

iPhone and other mobile manufacturers like Google Pixels have improved their camera quality exponentially.   You need to follow these steps to take DIY newborn photos with your iPhone.

1. Prepare your baby and prop if any.
2. Open your Camera.
3. Turn off all artificial lights in the room and make sure you have only natural lights from the window.
4. Place baby at 45 degrees with the light source so that light will not come directly.
5. Click on portrait mode. Take some photos. (make zoom 2X).
6. Click on photo mode and take some photos.
7. You can change props and angles to a variety and shoot multiple photos.
8. You can also edit your photos on your iPhone and save the best version.



Capturing your children every moment from day one is the most fascinating task for new parents.

Learning or developing photography skills is worth the effort for a long time to come.

I believe if you are planning DIY newborn baby photography then you will have a great time capturing and documenting those precious moments.

Please share your experience in the comments below about your baby photo session.