How to develop the best Sleep Habits in babies-2024?

How to develop the best Sleep Habits in babies-2024. Baby Sleep Habits

Healthy Sleep Habits in babies to help baby sleep through the night

Congratulations. You are blessed with a newborn baby. This Joy and excitement also bring new surprises for you and your baby.

You will be surprised to see why this little one is sleeping in short intervals or sleeping at odd times.

Newborns fresh from the womb will be surprised to see all these bright lights, sounds, and surroundings.

Newborns do not know about day and night, so their sleep cycles and patterns are different from grown-ups.

Good quality sleep is important for you and your baby.

Developing healthy sleep habits in babies from an early age is prudent for every parent.

Scroll down further to get insight into bedtime routine’s importance, and tips to develop the best sleep habits in babies.

Bedtime Routine Importance for Baby’s Perfect Sleep

A newborn sleep is unpredictable, and this causes a lot of physical and emotional stress to new parents.

It is possible to establish a perfect bedtime routine for newborn babies after analyzing their sleeping cycle and sleeping patterns.

A predictable and consistent bedtime routine plays a significant role in helping newborns to have good quality sleep at the appropriate time.

Babies will understand the patterns and will be ready mentally that this is the time to sleep.

Parents can plan the routine with activities like massaging, bathing, bedtime story time, and soothing white noise music to give a hint to little ones that this is the time to have sound sleep.

The important thing to note is that parents need to be consistent with this routine as an inconsistent routine will distract the newborn and you will not get the desired results.

Tips for Creating a Bedtime Routine for Newborns

How to develop the best Sleep Habits in babies-2024.Mom Feeding Baby

1. Regular Bedtime:

Always try to be consistent with your baby’s bedtime routine each day.

This will help the baby to start recognizing the pattern which will help in promoting better sleep cycles and regulate the baby’s internal clock.

2. Peaceful environment:

Baby direct from the womb are affected by unwanted light and noise which result in their unpredictable sleep pattern.

Giving them perfect and peaceful surroundings is the catalyst for them during bedtime.

Keep all distractions away from the bedroom, play white noise music, and keep the surroundings calm and peaceful during bedtime rituals.

3. Avoid Distraction:

Newborns are not willing to sleep at your convenience, they are looking for that one distraction and excuse not to sleep.

Always try to avoid any kind of distraction and indulge in calm and soothing activities that help them relax.

4. Limit Screen time:

This is one of the most common distractions for kids nowadays.

Keep smartphones and TVs out of the sleeping room. If your little one sees any of them, they are not going to sleep no matter what.

5. Sleep Signs:

Give them a signal that this is the time for them to sleep like playing their favorite music or giving them their favorite blanket or swaddle.

Soothing Newborns to Sleep

How to develop the best Sleep Habits in babies-2024.Mom Soothing Baby to sleep

1. Swaddling:

Swaddling gives in the womb feeling to just out of the womb baby.

They will feel comfortable and secure which results in sound sleep.

2. Rocking

Lulling and singing to the baby helps them to relax. They will feel calm and sleep peacefully.

3. Maintain Physical contact:

Maintaining physical contact by holding the baby close helps in developing bonding.

Baby feels secure and helps in regulating their heart rate and body temperature.

4. Soothing Sounds

Lull their favorite song or play a white noise music machine to create soothing surroundings for them to feel relaxed and sleep comfortably.

Safe Sleep Practices for Newborns

How to develop the best Sleep Habits in babies-2024Baby sleeping in safe position.

1. Safe sleeping position

Babies must be encouraged to sleep on their backs.

Baby sleeping on tummy or stomach will increase the risk of SIDS(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

2. Comfortable and Firm mattress

Always take precautions while selecting a mattress for your baby.

A mattress should be firm and fitted completely with a fitted sheet in the crib for the safe sleeping of the baby.

3. Clear Crib

Always ensure that the crib is free from stuffed animals, blankets, and pillows which can cause suffocation to a baby.

4. Room Sharing

As new parents, you have a dream of decorating your baby’s room with all safety standards. Hold it for some time.

Try to share the room with your baby for the initial months.

It will help to reduce SIDS risk.

Please note you need to share a room but not a bed.

The baby must be in their crib adjacent to your bed.

5. No Bottle on Bed

Babies should not sleep with bottles as it can cause various problems like tooth decay and ear infections.

Parents can use pacifiers instead if required.

6. Consult Pediatrician

Check with your pediatrician when to start cutting down night feeding.

Clear all your doubts and questions you may have with your experts regularly

Tips for Encouraging Healthy Sleep Habits in Newborns

How to develop the best Sleep Habits in babies-2024mother, child,

1. Sleep Schedule

Develop a sleep schedule for your baby and be consistent with it for a complete day.

It will help to develop sleep habits in newborns.

2. Pacifier

Pacifiers can help in reducing the risk of SIDS.

You can give it to your baby while they sleep. Consider waiting for some time if you are breastfeeding.

3. Analysis of baby’s different sounds:

Analyze your baby’s different sounds with their mood.

As newborns use to make a lot of sounds during feeding and sleeping.

Once you understand which sound is critical and which is normal, your life will be a little easier.

4. Feeding

Feeding before putting your little one to bed is important as they will have no excuse to wake up if they are properly fed.

5. Daytime Activities

Ensure your baby has a lot of daytime activities so that they can understand when to play and when to sleep.

For example: take them for a stroll, they will see the surroundings and sunlight.

It will help them to distinguish between daytime and nighttime.

6. Sleep Training

Sleep train your baby at your and their convenience.

It will help them to learn self-soothing skills and they will start sleeping without your assistance.

There are many sleep training methods and it is critical to select the one which is best for your family.

7. Maintain a cool Room

A cool room is more comfortable for sound sleep.

Put your little ones in their favorite blanket and swaddle and maintain cool temperatures in the room that will act as a catalyst, and they will sleep in no time.

The recommended room temperature for your baby is between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bad Baby Sleep Habits

How to develop the best Sleep Habits in babies-2024family, newborn, baby

Babies learn some dangerous habits, and parents play their part unknowingly in it.

Please find the list of habits that you need to avoid.

1. Bed-sharing:

It is advisable to share the room with your newborn baby but not the bed.

Sharing a bed or co-sleeping can cause SIDS in newborns.

Moreover, research shows that babies develop bad sleeping habits like frequent awakenings and shorter sleep cycles if they sleep in the same bed with their parents.

2. Moro Reflex:

Whenever you try to place a sleeping baby in their bassinet, their body suddenly tenses, and they wake up with wide eyes.

This reaction in babies is called the Moro reflex.

The Moro reflex is one of several automatic reactions babies are born with.

It is difficult for babies to learn that bassinets are for sleep due to this.

Use the wake-and-sleep method for sound sleep.

This is the best method to help newborns sleep better every time you put your baby down to sleep.

3. Napping in Arms:

This is emotional but it is not healthy for babies.

As parents you want to give all comfort to your baby and let them nap in your arms.

However, it is counterproductive as the baby will start thinking that this is the place for sleep, not the bassinet or crib.

4. Pollution

Babies are sensitive to exposure to pollution like smoke from cigarettes.

Do not smoke in front of the baby and keep your home smoke-free to avoid SIDS.

How Much Sleep Newborns Need?

It depends on the age factor as each child is different.

  • Till 2 months baby sleeps around 16-19 hours a day.
  • 2 months to 1 year is the infant stage and the baby sleeps between 12-16 hours a day.
  • Toddlers stage between 1-2 years, they start sleeping 11-14 hours.
  • Children (3-5 years old) sleeps 10-13 hours.
  • Children (6-12 years) sleeps 9-12 hours.
  • Teenagers (13-18 years old) 8-10 hours

 Source: Recommended Amount of Sleep for Pediatric Populations: A Consensus Statement (American Academy of Sleep Medicine)

Should I have my baby sleep in our room?

Yes, for the initial months.

As per experts, it’s best to have your baby sleep in the room with you but not in the same bed.

They should sleep in their crib as sleeping in the same bed can cause SIDS.

It is recommended to have the baby sleep in your room for at least six months.

How to reduce sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS)?

How to develop the best Sleep Habits in babies-2024baby, bed, sleeping

SIDS is one of the major causes of sleep-related deaths for newborns.

Here are recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) on how to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS):

  • Immunize your baby appropriately as per your pediatrician’s recommendation.
  • As per AAP, breast milk is recommended for the first six months.
  • Always place your infant on their back for all sleeping till the age of one year. Sleeping on the side and stomach can increase the risk of SIDS and choking.
  • Introduce a pacifier to the baby for sleeping after establishing breastfeeding.
  • A crib with a firm mattress covered by a fitted sheet is a must to prevent SIDS.
  • Baby should be in your room but not in your bed. Sleeping with a baby in the same bed raises the risk of SIDS. The AAP recommends that infants should sleep in the same room with their parents but in a separate bassinet or crib appropriate for infants
  • Watch what your baby is wearing as per the climate. Do not overdress or cover your baby’s face. It will prevent overheating and thus. reduce the risk of SIDS.
  • Do not use stuffed toys, pillows, and blankets in an infant’s crib or bassinet to help prevent suffocation or SIDS. 
  • Avoid all exposure to smoke, alcohol, and illicit drugs.

    When will my baby know the difference between night and day?

    Newborns straight from the womb do not know days and nights.

    It is recommended to introduce the concept of day and night at an earlier age.

    This will help with their sleep training.

    Take them for a stroll in the daytime so they start analyzing the surroundings.

    Involve them in daytime activities like when they are awake, and change their clothes so they will take this as a signal that it is the start of a new day.

    During nighttime, change them into their pajamas to give them the signal that this is a sleeping dress

    When will my baby be able to fall asleep on their own?

    Baby start sleeping on their own around 4ht months and this is the time for sleep training too.

    Understand your parenting style and analyze the sleeping cycle and sleeping patterns to determine which sleep training method is best for your newborn.

    How Can I Help My Baby Go to Sleep?

    Give them a perfect sleeping routine with a perfect environment to sleep.

    Always be consistent with the sleeping routine and your baby will start analyzing the signals for bedtime and act accordingly.

    Why does my child regularly have trouble falling asleep?

    Each child has a unique sleeping cycle and sleeping pattern. But it can get worse if you add distractions like mobile and caffeine.

    Do not let your child have screen time before bedtime and access to any drink like chocolate or pop.

    Develop a sleep routine with relaxing activities like reading, and calming music.

    Consult with your doctor about other ways to help your child learn to fall asleep on their own.

    How to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night?

    How to develop the best Sleep Habits in babies-2024.sleep, baby, newborn

    Adequate sleep is critical for a newborn’s growth and development but in the initial weeks baby sleep is unpredictable and this is a big challenge for parents.

    Analyzing baby sleep cycles and sleep patterns and developing the perfect sleeping routine for baby, helps in streamlining the sleeping habits of babies.

    Parents can create soothing environments and follow proper sleep routines consistently for better results.

    When is the witching hour of a baby?

    The witching hour is a period when babies feel more restless and fussier. Witching hours are generally between 5 pm to 11 pm but vary from child to child.

    Hunger, tiredness, and overstimulation are some of the factors contributing to the witching.

    This is challenging but it is important for infant growth.

    When do newborns sleep through the night?

    Newborns have unpredictable sleep cycles and sleep patterns in the initial days or weeks.

    Around 3 or 4 months, some babies begin to sleep for longer duration and this is the best time to sleep train a baby.

    Parents start their sleep training during this age which will help babies to learn to self-soothe themselves.


    Sleep is important for children’s growth and development.

    Good sleep habits in babies help them to grow as healthier and active individuals.

    Always consult your pediatrician if you have any doubts.

    Never take risks with the baby’s health.

    Kindly guide us in the comments below, on the sleeping habits you have taught your children.