how to find best parenting styles for child’s future-2024?

HOW TO FIND BEST PARENTING STYLES FOR CHILD’S FUTURE-2024? abstract, art, boy-1300087 abstract, art, boy-1300087.jpg

Parenting principles and best Parenting Styles for child’s Future

What type of parent are you?

I am sure you are a fantastic parent to your little ones. I mean what is your parenting style?

Are you following all the principles of parenting?

What type of gentle parenting techniques you are following?

Have you attended any parenting classes? Any parenting book you have read.

We love our children and we will do the best we can for them, what all the principles of parenting you are talking about, is the general answer I get from most of the parents.

The 4 C’s of parenting outlines how parents can support children with the foundation of care, consistency, choices, and consequences.

Let us discuss all these points below with the best parenting styles for a child’s future.

The 5 principles of parenting


Parenting is a complex and important endeavor. There are fundamental principles that can guide individuals in nurturing and raising their children effectively. 

Scroll below for five principles of parenting.

1. Showing Affection:

Affection towards your child is the base of parenting. This is one of the most important principles of parenting. 

Children thrive in an environment where they feel loved, respected, accepted, safe, and comfortable.

2. Transparent Communication:

Transparent and Honest communication with the child is key to building strong bonds.

It helps in fostering trust and respect. Listening to children attentively and expressing your feelings openly helps develop strong parent-child relationships.

3. Consistency:

Set clear expectations and rules with your little ones and always enforce them consistently. Consistent parenting helps establish a sense of security, and stability and fosters trust between parent and child.

4. Positive Reinforcement:

Child confidence and self-respect can be developed from an early age by praising for their efforts and achievements. Positive reinforcement plays a vital role in shaping a child’s behavior and boosts a child’s confidence and motivation.

5. Self Care:

This is the most neglected part by any parent, though it is the most critical one. You cannot provide good parenting if you are not fit.

Prioritizing self-care to ensure physical, emotional, and mental well-being benefits both the parent and the child.

Parenting Styles

how to find best parenting styles for child’s future-2024? Father Daughter Playing

Each parent has a unique way of raising their children, which can vary regarding warmth, control, and expectations.

Here are some common parenting styles. Scroll down to Explore the best parenting styles for a child’s future.

1. Positive Parenting:

A positive parenting style highlights empathy, respect, and positive reinforcement to promote children’s social, emotional, and mental development. 

Parents practicing positive parenting style strive to understand their child’s emotions and needs, guiding them through challenges with empathy and encouragement.

2. Permissive Parenting:

Permissive parents show high warmth and low control, parents are generous and lenient with their children, often avoiding conflict and prioritizing their child’s happiness over setting few rules or expectations. 

A permissive parenting style is laid back This parenting style can lead to children who lack self-discipline.

3. Authoritative Parenting:

The authoritative parenting style is the most common and best parenting style for a child’s future. Authoritative parenting is the most effective parenting style and healthiest parenting style. 

The authoritative parenting style combines warmth and control. Parents set clear rules and expectations and provide an ear to their child’s opinions and feelings, fostering self-discipline.

This parenting style is characterized by high demands and high warmth. The authoritative parenting style is most effective for kids with ADHD.

4. Authoritarian Parenting:

how to find best parenting styles for child’s future-2024? Father Instructed his son

The authoritarian parenting style imposes high control and low warmth. A parent dictates strict rules and discipline without considering the child’s perspective.

This parenting style is characterized by high demands for obedience and warmth.

They have high expectations for their children but offer little emotional support, which can lead to challenges in adulthood.

5. Uninvolved Parenting:

how to find best parenting styles for child’s future-2024? Mom busy with her work.

Uninvolved parenting shows little or no interest or involvement in the child’s life. It is called neglectful parenting too as Parents are emotionally detached and neglect the child’s emotional and physical needs, leading to feelings of insecurity and rejection.

Uninvolved or neglectful parenting is considered the most damaging to a child’s development.

6. Surrogate Parenting:

Surrogate parenting is a process where a woman carries and gives birth to a child on behalf of another individual or couple, who then becomes the legal parent of the child. This practice can be viable for individuals or couples who are unable to conceive.

7. Over the Moon Parenting:

Over-the-moon parenting refers to a style characterized by overwhelming love, affection, and overprotectiveness toward the child.

This style of parenting often results from a desire to shield children from failures; however, it harms the little ones with low self-confidence and ability to make independent decisions.

 8. Eggshell Parenting:

“Eggshell” parenting style also known as walking on eggshells parenting, refers to a cautious and delicate approach to parenting, often driven by avoiding confrontation to maintain peace.

Parents intend to protect their children from discomfort; however, it can hinder open communication and children’s emotional growth.

9. Low Demand Parenting:


Low-demand parenting style is setting minimal expectations or requirements for children, allowing them significant autonomy and freedom to make their own choices. Undoubtedly, this approach promotes independence and self-expression, however, it can also impact children’s development and behavior.

10. Lighthouse Parenting:

Lighthouse parenting strikes a balance between providing guidance and allowing children to explore and learn from their mistakes.

Lighthouse parents offer support and encouragement while also instilling values, discipline, and accountability in their children. Like a lighthouse guiding ships safely to shore.

These parents provide stability and direction while empowering their children to navigate life’s challenges independently.

11. Snowplow Parenting:

Snowplow parenting style is clearing obstacles from the child’s path. Snowplow parents intervene excessively in their children’s lives, shielding them from failure, discomfort, or disappointment and thus, hindering children’s resilience and problem-solving skills.

Best Effective Gentle Parenting Tips


Parenting is a demanding and thankless job. There are some tips that can help us to pass this phase smoothly. Here are some gentle effective parenting tips.

1. Prioritize Communication:

Foster open and honest communication with your child to build trust. Listen actively and validate their feelings, even if you disagree with their perspective.

2. Set Clear Boundaries:

Establish clear rules and expectations, ensuring consistency and fairness. Boundaries provide structure and security for children as they navigate the world around them.

3. Lead by Example:

Be a positive role model for your child by demonstrating empathy, resilience, and healthy managing methods. Children learn by observing and imitating their parent’s behaviors.

4. Encourage independence:

Foster your child’s freedom and independence by allowing them to make age-appropriate decisions and learn from their mistakes. Offer guidance and support while respecting their growing sense of self.

5. Practice Self Care:

Prioritize self-care to maintain your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Taking time for yourself replenishes your energy and prepares you to better support your child.

6. Embrace Flexibility:

Remain flexible in your approach to parenting. Each child is unique and we have to develop different strategies for them. Always adjust your parenting style as your child grows and circumstances change.

7. Acknowledge Achievements:


Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement boosts their confidence and encourages continued effort and growth.

8. Seek Support:

Don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professionals when needed. Parenting can be challenging, and there’s no shame in asking for help or guidance.

9. Consistency brings Stability:

Establish consistent routines. It offers children a sense of security and predictability in an ever-changing world. Consistent bedtime routines, mealtimes, and family rituals contribute to stability in the household.

10. Empathy:

Approach parenting with empathy and understanding, recognizing that children may struggle with emotions or challenges beyond their control. Show compassion and support as they navigate their life journey.

11. Positive Discipline:

Positive discipline through positive reinforcement and teaching moments is more critical for children’s growth than punitive methods.

12. Emotional Support:

Support your child’s emotions and provide a safe space for them to express themselves. Always reassure them that it’s okay to feel disappointed in some things in life.

13. Active Listening:

Active listening by parents towards their child goes a long way in developing bonding. Always give your full attention to your child when they’re speaking.

Maintain eye contact, nod, and paraphrase their words to show that you understand and value their perspective.

14. Conflict Resolution:

Teach your child healthy ways to resolve conflicts and communicate their needs. Encourage them to brainstorm solutions together when disagreements arise with siblings or peers.

15. Mindful Parenting:

 Always stay present in the moment and manage your own emotions. Take deep breaths and pause before reacting impulsively to challenging situations.

Parenting Resources for Support


New parents can utilize and enhance their parenting skills and knowledge through below resource:

1. Parenting Classes:

There are many parenting classes offered to answer all the questions parents have.

These are typically offered through community centers, schools, or online platforms like Udemy or Coursera and cover a wide range of topics, including child development, discipline techniques, and effective communication strategies.

Prices vary depending on the format and duration of the class, ranging from free community workshops to paid online courses.

Benefits of parenting classes:

There are many benefits of parenting classes as mentioned below.

1. Skill Development:

Parenting classes help in developing parenting skills for new parents. Parents can learn strategies and techniques for addressing common parenting challenges.

2. Support Network:

You can build your support network by connecting with other parents facing similar issues. It provides opportunities for peer learning and sharing.

3. Confidence Building:

 Learning new parenting styles and gaining insight into child development can boost parents’ confidence in their ability to nurture and support their children effectively.

4. Conflict Resolution:

Parenting classes often include guidance on resolving conflicts, improving communication skills, and co-parenting effectively, helping parents navigate challenging situations with their co-parents.

5. Access to Resources:

 Parenting classes may offer access to additional resources such as books, articles, and counseling services to further support parents in their journey.

Top 5 Parenting Classes

1. Positive Parenting Solutions

2. The Gottman Institute

3. Hand in Hand Parenting

4. Parenting from the heart.

5. Parenting Success Network.

2. Parenting Plans:

 A parenting plan is a written document that outlines custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and decision-making responsibilities for co-parents.

3. Parenting Courses:


These comprehensive programs offer in-depth training on various aspects of parenting, such as newborn care, toddler development, and adolescent psychology.

They often include video lectures covering diverse parenting topics. Offered by parenting experts or organizations like positive parenting solutions.

4. Parenting Maps:

 Parenting maps are visual tools that help parents identify their values, goals, and priorities in raising their children, allowing them to create a roadmap for intentional and purposeful parenting.

5. Parenting Books:

There are plenty of parenting books available on various topics, from discipline and behavior management to child psychology and developmental milestones.

6. Best Parenting Apps:


Parenting apps provide convenient tools and resources to help parents manage various aspects of parenting, from tracking developmental milestones to organizing schedules.

Here are some popular parenting apps, along with their price ranges:

1. Cozi :

Cozi is a family organizer app that helps coordinate schedules, track appointments, and manage grocery lists and to-do lists for busy parents. ((Free with optional premium features).

2. BabyCenter :

BabyCenter offers personalized pregnancy and parenting information, including articles, videos, and community forums, tailored to each stage of pregnancy and early childhood. (Free within apps purchase)

3. Tinybeans:

Tinybeans is a private photo-sharing app that allows parents to safely and securely document and share precious moments and milestones with family and friends. ((Free with optional premium features).

4. Peanut:

Peanut is a social networking app for mothers, providing a supportive community for connecting with other moms, sharing advice, and organizing playdates and meetups. (Free with in-app purchase).

5. ChoreMonster:

 ChoreMonster is a fun and interactive app that helps motivate children to complete chores by turning household tasks into a game, with rewards and incentives for completing tasks. (Free with optional premium features).


Parenting is an exciting journey with a lot of challenges and responsibilities.

We can utilize available resources efficiently to streamline our journey and take care of our little ones. I believe you get some insight about how to find the best parenting styles for a child’s future and parenting values.

Please mention in the comments below about your parenting style and any unique tips you have for parenting.

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