explore how to get rid of newborn hiccups-2024

explore how to get rid of newborn hiccups-2024. Mom calming baby to reduce hiccups.

how to help newborns with hiccups

I was wrong in assuming that only newborn babies are sensitive.

I found myself more paranoid with every little “HIC” noise my newborn was making randomly during my first newborn’s early weeks.

Maybe this was a new experience for me, or this is normal for all new parents.

Newborn Hiccups are normal, and it is essential for their development.

It is not a cause of concern, but we need to be careful and take all safety precautions.

Let us explore more about newborn hiccups, their causes, remedies, and precautions we need to take to prevent or reduce them.

What are Newborn Hiccups?

First things first, Newborn hiccups are natural for newborn babies during the initial weeks.

Every individual experiences it throughout their life.

It will start and end randomly and babies will make a “HIC” sound with some discomfort.

Each cycle generally lasts a few minutes.

In more medical terms, Hiccups are cyclic, uncontrollable contractions of the diaphragm with the closure of the vocal cords resulting in this sound.

What Causes Newborn Hiccups?

EXPLORE HOW TO GET RID OF NEWBORN HICCUPS-2024.Baby feeding with bottle

There are many factors that can contribute to hiccups in newborn babies:

  • Swallowing air during feeding.
  • Overfeeding or feeding too quickly.
  • Sudden temperature changes.
  • Immature digestive system.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux (GER).

How long do newborn hiccups last?

Newborn hiccups are harmless and last for a few minutes and resolve on their own.

However, if baby hiccups persist for an extended period, please check with your pediatrician for timely advice.

Please note that always analyze baby behavior, if they seem to be comfortable and happy then hiccups are not the cause of concern.

It will go away in a few minutes.

When do hiccups become cause for concern?

Newborn hiccups are natural, and every newborn baby will have them as it is essential for their development.

However, it should not last more than a few minutes and should not be too frequent and Constant.

Moreover, newborn baby is showing signs of discomfort with vomiting, loss of appetite, and difficulty in breathing with hiccups then you need to directly contact your pediatrician without any delay.

How to get rid of newborn hiccups?

EXPLORE HOW TO GET RID OF NEWBORN HICCUPS-2024.Baby with Pacifier with Mom

Newborn hiccups are harmless and tend to occur several times a day.

The newborn hiccups cycle is usually a few minutes long and stops on its own.

However, you can try these remedies to get rid of newborn hiccups.

1. Burping:

This is the magic trick.

It will help to release any trapped air that can be caused of hiccups.

You can rub or pat the baby’s back to get some relief.

2. Pacifier:

It will be soothing and pacify the baby.

It will help newborn babies to remain calm and hiccups will resolve by themselves.

You can provide pacifiers during or after feeding or whenever they experience hiccups, it will act as a distraction and comfort and help to reduce the hiccups.

3. Patience:

In most cases, it will go away on its own in a few minutes. Keep patience and wait for a few minutes to get it fixed.

4. How to stop newborn hiccups during feedings:

Newborn babies get hiccups frequently during their feeding time. Tips to try during baby’s feeding duration.

Short Break:

During feeding, take it slowly with short breaks in between. This will help the baby to calm down and hiccups will ease out too.

Always keep changing your positions and burping regularly will relax your baby

Analyze Feeding Intervals:


Keep track of your baby’s feeding intervals. There are a lot of apps to track a baby’s feeding cycle.

Analyze it and if you think, baby hiccups increase during the feeding cycle, then reduce the interval time and increase the frequency.

It will prevent the baby from swallowing more air during each feeding time. therefore, reducing hiccups.

New Positions:

Take note of your baby’s position whenever they have hiccups.

Try to change the positions and use the position in which they are more comfortable.

As per experts, babies lying flat have more chance of swallowing more air resulting in hiccups.

Burping Regularly:

Regular burping prevents hiccups. This is the magic trick.

Breastfed or bottle-fed babies:

The baby usually hiccups during feeding. Burping is the key to reducing hiccups.

Always plan to burp the baby whenever you switch from one breast to the other.

During bottle-fed sessions, take a break in between and pat the baby’s back.

Sit the baby upright after each feeding.

Ensure the bottle nipple is full of milk when you feed by pressing it gently. It will help to reduce air intake during feeding.

Buy milk bottle with appropriate size of nipple as per baby age. The flow should not be too fast or too slow.

It will prevent them from swallowing more air which can cause hiccups.

4. Soothing Surroundings:

A soothing environment will keep the baby calm and cozy.

Relax baby will have fewer hiccups.

5. Massage Your Baby’s Back:

Massaging your baby’s back will act as a catalyst and soothe the baby down.

It will help to ease discomfort and potentially aid in ending hiccups.

Can I give gripe water for newborn hiccups?

Gripe water helps to ease stomach gas and digestive discomfort. Some parents recommend it for newborn hiccups.

As per the experts, gripe water is not recommended for newborns.

Consult with your pediatrician before trying anything you are not confident about.

I always used to call my pediatrician for guidance.

What are the remedies to avoid Newborn baby hiccups?


There are many ways to try and stop baby hiccups, However, it is not one-size-fits-all.

Hiccup home remedies for grownups are not safe for newborn babies. Hiccups home remedies to avoid in babies.

      • Do not try to scare newborns to get rid of hiccups. Always keep calm and be patient. Baby will analyze you and get scared if you act hastily. It will not help much.

      • When adults have hiccups, people recommend holding your breath for 15-20 seconds. However, never try this remedy on a baby. This can be very dangerous.

      • Always control the amount and never overfeed.

      • Do not try drinking water upside down technique to stop hiccups on baby.

      • Do not give water to your newborn baby.

      • Do not pull their tongue.

      • Do not have them breathe into a paper bag.

      • Do not give granulated sugar to a baby.

      • Do not press on their eyeballs.

      • Check with your doctor before starting solid food for babies.

      • Always monitor your baby’s health and recognize the signs of discomfort in your baby.

    Hiccups Medications

    The persistence of newborn hiccups indicates some underlying issues.

    Directly consult your pediatrician and comply with their direction of any kind of hiccup medicine if required.

    Never take any medicine for hiccups without your doctor’s approval as it can be very risky for your baby.

    How to prevent newborn hiccups from occurring?

    There are many ways to prevent newborn hiccups.

    Try to prevent it from happening so frequently which can be a cause of concern if occurs.

    These tips will give you an idea about the way you can follow.

    1. Pattern

    Try to understand the pattern of hiccups.

    Once you analyze the root cause then try to eliminate it from your schedule.

    My elder’s hiccups used to start whenever I fed her for more than 4 minutes.

    I have changed the feeding pattern and shortened the feeding cycle and it works for us.

    2. Baby Bottle Can Be Culprit

    EXPLORE HOW TO GET RID OF NEWBORN HICCUPS-2024.baby taking milk from bottle.

    First, try to adjust your feeding pattern and if does not solve the issue then check your baby’s bottle as it can be the main culprit.

    Always use the bottle as per your baby’s age.

    Too big or too small, a bottle can trap air and cause a hiccup.

    Go for a quality brand and never compromise your child’s safety for inexpensive bottles.

    3. Calm Baby is hiccup-free

    Always try to maintain a soothing atmosphere while feeding. If required, play white noise music.

    Relax newborn babies will like the process of feeding and will not be stressed out which can cause hiccups.

    4. Limited Activity After Feeding

    Maintain a resting or no activity time after feeding.

    Try to develop this habit of no moment or limited moment for at least 30 minutes after feeding the baby.

    There is every possibility of developing hiccups after feeding if a baby starts playing or doing any activity.

    5. Maintain the Position

    The best position to keep the baby during or after feeding to avoid hiccups is an upright position.

    Try to keep them in this position for at least 30 minutes after their feeding time.

    It helps in digestion and reduces any chance of hiccups.

    When to Talk With Your Baby’s Doctor

    Newborn hiccups are natural phenomena and you do not need to worry about it if it comes and goes normally.

    However, if it is persistent and starts causing discomfort to your baby then this is the time to pick up your phone and call your pediatrician.

    You never know what is going on underlying so monitor your child’s behavior and act accordingly.

    Does it hurt when a newborn hiccups?

    EXPLORE HOW TO GET RID OF NEWBORN HICCUPS-2024.Mom Feeding Baby with bottle.

    During hiccups, newborns move their whole body and make a HIC sound, which seems to be scary, however, the baby does not feel any pain.

    Babies diagnosed with GORD (gastro-oesophageal disease) can have discomfort when acid from the stomach comes up to the food pipe due to reflux.

    As an adult too, I have experienced this when I have spicy food, I will feel discomfort with stomach acid in my food pipe.

    I can imagine the discomfort our little ones face.

    FAQ’s(Newborn Hiccups).

    1. Can you lay down a newborn on their back with hiccups?

    It is recommended to keep your baby in the upright position until hiccups subsides.
    It is always best to consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns.

    2. How to Cure Baby Hiccups?

    Hiccups usually start and stop at random times.
    It is essential for a baby’s development and growth. Burping is the magic trick to soothe a baby and get rid of hiccups
    You can change the baby’s position to upright while feeding to subdue hiccups.

    3. Does hiccups mean the baby is growing?

    In a simple answer, yes. It is a sign of baby Brian and breathing development.
    It is an essential part of a baby’s growth process.

    4. What is the best position for Newborn hiccups?

    The best position for newborn hiccups is the upright position.
    Whenever a baby is having hiccups during feeding. Position your baby upright and burp.
    Pat gently on your baby’s back in an upright position to ease and get rid of hiccups.

    5. Can we use home remedies meant for adults to cure newborn hiccups?

    No. Never use any home remedies meant for adult children.
    Always consult your pediatrician for any support and guidance if you have any concerns.

    6. What are crying hiccups, do newborns get hiccups after crying?

    Newborns can develop hiccups after crying for a long time.
    It is caused by muscle spasms in the throat and diaphragm. Hiccups are linked with stress and excitement.
    Try to calm the baby down that will help to stop the hiccup.

    7. what are the best medicines to stop hiccups?

    Chlorpromazine is the only medication approved for hiccups by the US Food and Drug Administration, and for many years it was the drug of choice.
    Chlorpromazine is a dimethylamine derivative of phenothiazine. It acts centrally by dopamine antagonism in the hypothalamus.
    However, never take any hiccup medicine without consultation from your doctor.
    Source: National Library of Medicine.

    8. Do all babies have identical hiccup patterns?

    It is natural for a newborn to hiccup.
    However, each newborn is unique, and they will follow their pattern based on many factors like feeding habits, surroundings, and individual digestive systems.

    9. What are the benefits of newborn hiccups?

    Newborn hiccups are natural and essential for baby growth.

    As per the study, hiccups are important for a baby’s brain development and breathing.


    Newborn hiccups are harmless and useful for baby brain development and breathing. 

    I hope the above tips and tricks will guide you about different ways to soothe your baby to reduce their discomfort and get rid of hiccups.

    Always consult your pediatrician for guidance and support if you have any concerns.

    Kindly guide us on which hiccup tricks you are using for your newborns in the comments below.

    Please note: Busyexplorer and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.