everything you need to know about baby sleep cycles-2024

everything you need to know about newborn baby sleep cycles-2024. BABY SLEEPING

Discover a newborn baby’s sleep cycles with 5 types of sleep patterns

Every parent remembers those sleepless nights and red eyes days of your new parenting phase. Parenting is a blessing, and it comes with a lot of challenges and responsibilities.

With my twins, I can resonate with the same feelings.

For newborn baby health and growth, adequate sleep is vital. Parents need to understand the sleeping pattern, the baby’s sleep cycles, and the challenges to cope with it.

We will put some light on the newborn’s sleep patterns, how much sleep they need, what sleep cycles you must know, and things you can do to provide a perfect sleeping environment.

Newborn Sleep Patterns and Baby Sleep Cycles

Unlike us, newborn babies usually sleep throughout the 24 hours for 15-18 hours. Each baby is different and follows their sleeping pattern.

My 5min elder used to sleep around 18hrs and my younger one around 16hrs, however, both did not have regular sleep schedules.

Moreover, they sleep for a short time frame and wake up for feeding, and when they are wet and need diaper changes.

Newborns have multiple sleep patterns and baby sleep cycles depending on the time.

1. Catnapper:

everything you need to know about newborn baby sleep cycles-2024baby, sleep, newborn.

Some babies wake up early after going to sleep, therefore called, “catnappers”. This one sleep cycle is around 25-45 minutes.

My elder one was a catnapper for her initial months with 35 minutes of sleep cycle. Do not worry, it will grow into longer naps with time.

2. Night Owl:

everything you need to know about newborn baby sleep cyclesbaby, infant, newborn.

Most babies are very active during the night and this is one of the most challenging parts of parenting.

In my case, both have divided their time so little one is active at night, I need to use some tricks to change her sleep pattern.

If you have a little cute night owl then try to establish a comfortable sleep environment to shift their sleep patterns as per your convenience.

3. Power Napper:

Babies are smart, and take power naps whenever they want, and are ready to do their odd tasks at odd times of the day. This is quite challenging for parents

4. Newborn Active Sleep:

Newborns have active sleep in the daytime. It is REM(rapid eye movement) sleep with smiling and shaking movements.

Active sleep is significant in a baby’s brain and cognitive skills development.

5. Newborn Quiet Sleep:

Newborns tend to sleep peacefully during the night, therefore, it is quiet sleep as there are few movements and less or no REM.

You have to be fortunate to get a baby with quiet sleep patterns.

Importance of Sleep for Newborn Baby

Proper Sleep is crucial for newborns for their overall growth. It is the same for us, our body rejuvenates during sleeping time and we feel refreshed after a good night’s sleep.

Newborns need more of it as they are in the process of developing physical, mental, and emotional senses.

Additionally, Good Sleep boosts their strong immune system and prevents diseases and infections.

Baby feels refreshed after good sleep which helps in regulating their emotions and moods.

Lack of adequate sleep can make a baby fuzzy and irritable, Therefore, your newborn must get sufficient good quality sleep.

The Five Stages of Newborn Sleep

everything you need to know about newborn baby sleep cycles-2024.child, infant, water

Newborn baby sleep is divided into different stages. There are 5 stages of newborn sleep.

Wake, N1, N2, N3, and REM.

Stages N1 to N3 are considered non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, with each stage leading to progressively deeper sleep.

To understand a baby’s sleep behavior, we need to understand these stages:

1. Stage 1 – Wake:

This is the first stage of sleep where the baby appears to be sleepy with a slower response to stimulations. It is called the wake stage or drowsy stage.

2. Stage 2 – N1:

Baby starts breathing normally in this stage as their body calms down. It is the lightest stage of sleep called N1.

3. Stage 3 – N2:

This stage is N2 and called deeper sleep as heart rate and body temperature drop. Teeth grinding occurs during this sleep stage.

It is a quiet sleep phase that is critical for a baby’s essential growth and health.

4. Stage 4 – N3:

N3 is the deepest non-REM sleep stage, also known as slow-wave sleep (SWS).

This stage is critical for body restoration and strengthening of the immune system. Sleepwalking and bedwetting occur during this phase.

5. Stage 5 – REM sleep:

Stage 5 is REM sleep where the baby dreams. Baby feels restless with a very active brain. This is significant for memory and cognitive development

Challenges of Newborn Sleep

Many factors determine a newborn’s unpredictable sleeping patterns. They have a high potential for sleep but hunger, some discomfort can impact this ability. You need to find the best way to sleep-train your baby.

Some are born night owls, Good Luck to their parents. I can understand this will be quite exhausting and you can double down if you have twins 😊.

Tips for creating the best sleep environment for newborn baby

Newborns cannot be forced to sleep at your convenience. They will do what they want to do. Are you feeling a little helpless?

Don’t worry, we will act smart and follow the below tips to create a safe sleeping environment.

1. Soothing Environment:

moon, night, baby-7772242.jpg

Develop an environment to signal your baby that now is the time.

Play some soft music, and adjust the room temperature, between 18-22 degree Celsius) Dim the lights, cuddling, and rocking can act as catalysts.

2. Encourage Daytime Activities:

Expose your baby to daylight. Go for a stroll with them. Engaged them with a lot of physical activities in the daytime and limited daytime naps.

Plan your activities of bathing, massaging, and singing in the same order each night so that the baby can associate them with sleep.

This will help to have a longer sleep cycle at night.

3. Safety is Priority:

Always have an eye on baby whatever they are doing, sleeping, playing. (Many Baby Monitoring Apps are in the market)

Follow all the safety guidelines to avoid the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Never use blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals in the sleeping area. Select a firm and waterproof mattress to fit in the crib

4. Act Swiftly :

Consider each cry as a 911 call and respond accordingly. It will be challenging during those night hours but responding promptly can help build a strong bond.

Learn to recognize your baby’s different cries, trust your instincts, and act accordingly.

5. Patience is a Virtue:

Parenting is a challenging task, and the first basic principle is always to remain calm.

In the beginning, it is overwhelming with complex sleeping patterns, however, with time it will be smoothened.

How many hours newborn baby sleep?

Newborns sleep for approximately 15-18 hours in 24 hour period. During the day, they take multiple short naps around 3-5 hours at a time.

This is normal and it is required for their growth and development.

How does a baby’s sleep pattern change?


everything you need to know about newborn baby sleep cycles-2024. BABY SLEEPINGBaby grow very fast during the first year and their sleeping pattern also change accordingly based on age, growth milestones, and feeding schedule.

Children need sufficient sleep as per their bodily requirements to perform all their physical and mental activities.

1. First Stage (Newborn):

The first stage is the Newborn stage between (0-6 weeks). Baby sleeps 14-18 hours per day divided into multiple small cycles of 1-4 hours.

They can wake up after a sleep cycle and need assistance getting back to sleep again.

2. Second Stage (Infant Stage):

The infant stage is between 6 weeks and 12 months. During this period, baby sleep is consolidated to 4-6 hours at night.

Babies can sleep without feeding for a long time and start to transition to a regular sleep schedule.

Parents are more relaxed with a more predictable sleep cycle

3. 3rd Stage (Toddler Stage)

The toddler stage starts at 12 months and beyond. Babies are sleeping 10-12 hours per night and 1-2 hours of nap during the day.

This is the time when healthy sleeping habits should be inculcated.


Every baby is unique, and their sleeping behavior is also unique.

Understand your baby’s sleep cycles and create a safe and soothing environment for them for their sound sleep.

Always consult your pediatrician if you have any concerns about their sleeping patterns.

Kindly guide us in the comments if you wish to add any tips for new parents to pass this challenging phase smoothly.

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